Sunday, February 21, 2010

Facing facts

The first thing I have to personally note about this new assignment and its travels is the following: it will let me kill myself. The constant change of time zones and the constant eating out, along with the constant air travel and what that does to the body are all factors against my health. I peaked health-wise at 50: I was doing 8 mile runs in less than the time required of young Marines to graduate boot camp, and I was doing upper body training that would make a SEAL proud. BUT, I got into a lot of business travel and general health carelessness, and now I am starting over, and about 20% heavier.

As this will be my life for the next two to three years, I have to hang up the excuses and start doing a better job regardless of jet-lag. I have stay motivated to exercise, even though what my body can give today is a far cry from what it was almost 3 years ago.

Today, in Machida, Japan, I got up and did an interval run. Intervals are great for starting out, and with the hills around here, plenty of a workout, even for the 30 minutes I did the road work. This is the beginning, not the end. I have to keep applying myself to fitness like my life depends on it, because it does...

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